Thank you very much for visiting our website.

We are a producer of highly functional components based on various technologies that we have developed over the years. In Japanese we would say that we are a monozukuri company. Simply put, it means that we are a company that makes things. But there is a lot more to the concept of monozukuri than just making things. The Japan External Trade Organization explains to American companies that “the concept is much more intense; monozukuri means having the spirit to produce excellent products and the ability to constantly improve a production system and process.”

Through our business activities we wish to satisfy our customers and serve a purpose in the world. Every one of our employees is taught to be a real professional, and by doing so we hope to contribute to the region in which we operate. Their workplace is a place for them to grow. Through their serious commitment to their work, they become better persons with greater wisdom and skills. I am certain that the surest path to their happiness is through nurturing their hearts and minds, and developing their skills.

Our company policy is expressed in the phrase “Spread our wings outwards, let us be a company full of youth and vigor.” We face our challenges with a yearning for the ideal, a mindset that is flexible, and a sensitivity that is fresh and natural. To realize our dreams, we apply our enthusiasm. We face even our most difficult obstacles with dauntless fortitude. We want to continue to be an enterprise possessing the hardy, courageous, and loving qualities of a young man or woman.

I truly do hope that you find the contents of our website both interesting and informative.

President Yasuhiro Akashi